Saturday 1 March 2014

Gilded Intentions - 1.2

Lessons To Learn
Not wanting to disturb the girls who were still sleeping, Kiren went into the bathroom and ran herself a bath.

The water was so hot it stung her skin; she scrubbed herself from head to toe keeping her mind busy with memories of her family and hummed favourite songs to herself.

By the time she finally felt clean, the water had gone lukewarm and the sun was shining brightly outside promising another warm summer’s day.

Still wanting to keep her mind busy, Kiren changed into some workout gear and went to the gym room that was down the hall from her room.

Blasting the music as loud as she dared, she put herself through a gruelling dance routine she was use to performing for past ‘masters’, the elaborate steps kept her mind from wandering back into the past evening.

Lost in her routine and the loudness of the music, she hadn’t heard Reiss come in, nor saw him move to the side of the dance mat and watch her.

She was doing a tricky finishing move when she finally caught sight of him.

Freezing, she was breathing hard and was speechless as their eyes locked to each other.

“Hey, don’t stop ‘cause I’m here.” He smiled shrugging. “You got some really great moves there; you’ll have to teach me sometime. I can’t dance for shit.”

Her knees gave out from under her and she landed flat on her back with a heavy ‘thud’.

“Ooof, ah, don’t any of you people here have any sense of personal space for anyone?”

As she went to get up Reiss came and knelt over the top of her, his face close to hers. Her breathing was still heavy and she could smell his aftershave and body wash, he had had drunk coffee recently as well.

“Some of us might do...” His eyes searched her face for a moment and he smiled at her. “You know, you really have to stop putting yourself in such, precarious predicaments.” He chewed his bottom lip for a moment and let out a soft sigh. “After all, if I’m to keep an eye on you...”

“You should really shut up before I loosen your teeth.” Kiren snapped at him before he could say anything else she rolled out from under him and stood up dusting off herself.

Reiss laughed standing up and dusted off his hands.

“You fight as well huh? Aren’t you just a ‘jack-of-all-trades’ then.”

Kiren turned off the music and rolled her eyes at him.

“At my age, if I didn’t know half of what I do, I’d be a pretty useless genie.”

Reiss laughed and he nodded at her.

“So... what would you loosen my teeth with? Boxing, Kung Fu...”

“How about the heel of my foot, will that do?” She quipped narrowing her eyes at him, Kiren was annoyed at being bothered when she really just wanted to be alone and figure a way to get herself and her family out of whatever mess she seemed to have gotten them into.

“Oh, now that’s just brutish... I thought you’d have more class than that.” Reiss just wouldn’t let up and she knew he was enjoying getting under her skin.

She sighed as she walked back over to him.

“I’ve more than you...” She poked him in his chest then turned to walk away; Reiss grabbed her and pulled her back to him slipping his hand down to her toned butt and smiled.

“I wish you’d show me some of your defence skills, then I could see what I’m up against.”

Kiren felt sick; then slightly dizzy before a head swirling sensation enveloped her body making her push back from Reiss as her breath quickened and she tried to piece together what was happening to her.

With a sudden burst of energy she sent Reiss flying across the room with one swift kick to his stomach, he crashed into the ‘all-in-one’ work-out station with a heavy thud.

He groaned and slowly looked up at her.

Rushing over to him, Kiren gently held his somewhat limp body.

“Holy Watcher, I... oh shit... are you ok?”

She ran her hands over his legs, arms, chest and neck to check for anything broken.

When she looked at his face she saw he was smiling at her and she got up slapping his arm.

“You’re such a jerk; I thought I really hurt you.”

Reiss got up, stretched and something popped back into place.

“You did, snapped my spine somewhere.” He spread his hands wide smiling. “Vampire; self healing, not as cool as your tricks, but good enough for me.”

Kiren stood watching at him for a moment, an odd look on her face.

“Don’t do that again.”

“What? Get beat up by you? No way, next time I think we’ll just spar for a while. Work up a sweat maybe...”

“No, I mean, don’t wish for anything... ever. That was... weird.”

Reiss watched Kiren as her magic swirled about her body for a moment then seemed to release in a powdered puff of sparkling dust.

“What was that?”

Kiren coughed then sneezed, she laughed a little.

“That is the residual left over. I use to get it when I was a kid before I came into my powers properly, my dad would say I should become a power puff girl and ...” She stopped, realizing what she was saying and shook her head. “Never mind, it doesn’t matter. I should get something to eat, I’m feeling drained.”

She walked off before Reiss could say anything.

Reiss had seen genie’s magic before, but seeing it untapped was unlike anything he had ever experienced before.

He took out his mobile and made a call.

A few days later, Jasper was working with Matt and Reiss in his office, since his father’s death, a new mayor was elected and Jasper found that this was a definite halt to his plans.

Matt was conjuring up a brew for Jasper to serve to unknowing council members during a dinner party Jasper was holding the next evening and Reiss had just finished explaining to him what he had experienced with Kiren in the gym.

“Good thing then that I have the house covered for such a talent as raw as hers then, have you been able to acquire what I was after?”

Reiss shook his head and looked out the window.

“No, not yet... it’s still in the prototype stages and undergoing extensive testing, also since the company doesn’t want your death on its hands, they’re making sure it’s working perfectly before they hand it over.”

Jasper stood up from his chair and paced behind his desk for a moment before stopping, he nodded to nothing in particular before letting out a heavy breath.

“Alright, keep me informed.”
“Will do Sir, anything else?” He got up to leave.

“Yes, actually there is.” Jasper’s voice was tone Reiss knew well. “I trust you have progressed somewhat with Kiren’s education for me?” He ran a hand over the smooth leather mat on the desk and glanced at Reiss.

“I was about to go get her now, she and the other girls are relaxing in the spa.”

“Then you can go, Matt and I have a few more things to take care of before tomorrow evening.”

Reiss left as Matt finished casting a ‘charm spell’ over the brew.

“Night dude, have fun.” He winked at Reiss who gave him a brief nod and left the room.
Standing at the edge of the spa, Kiren felt a little foolish as Melinda and Adette giggled slightly at her feeling embarrassed.

“Oh sweetie, don’t be like that, we always swim or have a spa naked, it’s just something we’ve gotten use to doing.”

“I don’t think I could get use to that but I mean, if it’s what you guys do...”

Though she had a million butterflies fluttering in her stomach and felt terribly nervous, Kiren went to untie her bikini top just as Reiss came around the corner.

“Oh, saved by the vamp man.” Melanie laughed slightly again. “Looks like class is in for you don’t get detention now.”

Both giggled again like school girls, shaking their heads and trying to say ‘sorry’ through their giggles.
Sighing, Kiren shook her head giving them a slight smile before she walked off back inside, following Reiss.
She found him sitting on the right side staircase of the house and stormed over to him.

“You’re a real piece of work you know that?”

“Now what’d I do?” He was calm but slightly annoyed and surprised he was being yelled at.

“Ooo!” She clenched her fists and felt like punching him. “Is it mandatory for that jerk tell everyone you’re going to teach me how to fuck?” She spoke through gritted teeth and couldn’t help but glance about as she spoke.

“Hey, I don’t have to... but if you want to stay alive, maybe even get out of here...”

The sound of the office door opening and closing made Kiren gasp in a breath and Reiss stood up grabbing her and held her close to him just as Jasper came out from the TV room that was the room in front of the office.

“Ah, from the looks of things I see you were about to begin your lessons.” Jasper purred leaning lazily against the door frame. “You know, I should have mentioned, I love the idea of standing up while fucking at the moment, maybe you could work on that for me with her.” He pushed himself off the wall giving a throaty laugh as he walked off down the hall towards the kitchen.

When he was out of sight, Kiren wrenched herself free of Reiss’s hold and ran up the stairs. He quickly followed her.

“Kiren, don’t be stupid.” He called when he got upstairs and had lost sight of her for a moment.

The sound of the gym door clicking shut told him where she had gone and he made a bee –line for the room, feeling hot a flustered by the whole situation he half tore off his shirt that felt like it was cooking him in his own skin and flung it aside in anger.

As he went into the gym, Kiren tried to slip out past him from the side of the door, grabbing her Reiss pushed her back and they both ended up tripping over each other’s feet sending them both crashing to the floor.

As they both untangled themselves, Reiss stopped Kiren from getting up.

“Let me go... let Jasper do what he wants to me, I don’t care if he kills me anymore.” Kiren felt defeated and went half limp looking away from Reiss.

 “Ok fine, and then he’ll just use your little sister or your mother...”
“Don’t talk about them like that.”

“I’m telling you the truth, look if it’ll make you feel better, we’ll make a deal...”

His hand ran over her waist and paused just under her breast, his touch was soft, almost caressing.

Kiren flinched from him and didn’t look at him as she spoke.

“Wha... what kind of deal?”

Reiss smiled slightly.

“You said you know how to fight, so... we’ll do best out of three in sparring. If you win, I’ll just talk you through what to do, but if I win...” His smiled broadened and he leaned in closer to her. “Then I get to show you what to do.”

Kiren’s gaze locked onto his and she pursed her lips for a moment. “Ok then, five minutes, we met back here.”
Reiss got up and went to help her up, but Kiren ignored his hand and stood up on her own and went to get changed.
When they re-met back in the gym, Reiss couldn’t help but show his surprise at what level she was at with her martial arts.

“This will make it interesting, you ready?” He smiled slightly as Kiren stood ready to begin.

“You’re enjoying this too much.” Kiren bowed to him.

Reiss grinned back at her. “Yes, I am...”
He was fast and Kiren almost didn’t have time to duck as he surprised her with a grounded high swung kick.

Her best move was to mirror her opponent, a skill her teacher had taught her and had given her the upper hand with all of her sparring matches to date.

Easily catching Reiss off guard, her foot connected with his stomach.

He coughed slightly and recomposed himself as he shook it out. “Now that’s just playing nasty.”

“No, that’s being smart...”

Kiren found herself laughing as she also recomposed herself for the next round.

Lashing out hoping to catch Reiss off guard by repeating the attack again, Kiren was now the one surprised as he easily ducked out of the way of her attack.

Striking out, Reiss got her across her shoulders knocking her back slightly.

“You gotta watch out for that...”

“Ha ha, you’re so funny.”

Kiren was on the attack as they were one for one now, something inside her wanted to win this match. She couldn’t put her finger on it, but her mind kept telling her she was afraid and she was tired of being afraid.
Reiss blocked her attack but she heard him wince at the unexpected pain from the strength of her strike.
She swelled a little with confidence and was caught off guard by another high kick from Reiss that landed squarely across her jaw which knocked her to the floor.
Reiss pounced on top of her holding her down, both of them were breathing hard and Reiss had a slight triumphant smile of his face.

“Well then.” He paused to catch his breath for a moment. “Looks like we’re having a practical lesson.”

Kiren swallowed and felt her throat seem to freeze up on her, she nodded and waited for Reiss to get off her before she got up herself, he took one of her hands and she let him lead her out of the gym.

There was a room next to the gym, it was away from the other bedrooms of the house and was darkly decorated with black and red decor.

Reiss removed his sparring clothes and put on some cotton pants, then watched Kiren as she removed her sparring gear before she added stockings to her barely there lingerie.

She stood at the edge of the bed and Reiss came over and began to kiss her shoulders.

“Just, think of yourself as a ‘tool’ of sorts.” He spoke between placing kisses across her velvet smooth skin, he was mostly trying to stop her from shaking. “You do what is needed, and the job will be done easier and in some cases, quicker even.”

Kiren nodded. “Mhm, ok... so, I’m like... a hammer, or a screwdriver?”

Reiss chuckled softly at her comments and turned her around to face him.

“Why don’t we just get started, ok?”

Kiren nodded and mentally pushed back the almost overwhelming sick feeling in her stomach.

For about half an hour Reiss helped Kiren get comfortable at being lifted up to put her legs about his waist, then when he felt she was ready, he removed his pants and hers then pushed her up against the wall without being too rough on her.

“Now, you know that Jasper won’t...”

“Don’t, just...” Her eyes pleaded with him to ‘just get it over with’.
Reiss shut up for the remainder of the time and continued to show Kiren how to move and behave  in the way Jasper would be expecting her to when he wanted her again.
When they were finally done, Reiss let Kiren put her lingerie back on and get some sleep.

He watched her for some time and found himself touching her gently before he got off the bed, she moved slightly in her sleep which made him pause and check that she was actually sleeping.

He quickly made a few phone calls, being careful not to talk too loudly or say too much of anything in case anyone was listening in on him.

As he finished the last call, Adette came into the room from the adjoining bathroom that connected the girl’s room and that one together. Casually she leaned on the dresser and looked at Kiren who was still sleeping from under her eye lashes.

“Not good buddy boy...” She shook her head still looking at Kiren.

Coming over and leaning on the mirror himself Reiss sighed and looked at Kiren via the reflection.

“And I suppose that you’re doing so much better with the witch, hell Adette, why don’t you just pillow talk us to death? Do you think it’d be quicker.”

“Bite me black-blood, he has no idea and besides, he’s very talkative afterwards, I think being half passed out from loss of blood does that.” She tapped her nails on the wood and smiled smugly. “He’s obsessed with me drinking his blood while we fuck, so bonus for me.” She laughed softly in her throat.

Kiren moved and winced softly slightly in her sleep.

“You should go, best she doesn’t see or hear us.”

Pushing off the dresser using her hips, Adette paused looking at Kiren before she left.

“Do you think we could use her?” She raised one of her perfectly groomed eyebrows as she spoke.

“No way, the last time someone did something like that...”

Adette opened the door to the bathroom and shrugged smiling as she walked off. “Ok, I hope you had fun with your ‘tool’.”
Reiss rolled his eyes as he closed the door behind her then heaved a sigh looking back at Kiren who was still asleep to his relief.
When Kiren woke, it was morning and to her slight relief she was alone.

Quickly she went into the bathroom and ran herself a bath, she felt like scrubbing herself again, but this time it wasn’t so bad.

Just as she was finishing scrubbing her arms, Adette came in and casually sat down on the edge of the bath.
“Morning, have fun last night?”  She had a smirk on her face, Kiren felt her own cheeks flush. “Oh don’t be so juvenile. You had sex with a hot guy.” Adette played with the tap, her eyes never leaving Kiren’s. “So... did you like it?” Her silky voice was sing songish and her smile dance in her eyes.
Kiren shrank down into the water feeling embarrassed and looked everywhere but at Adette.

“Well... I guess so.”

‘You guess so?” Adette gave a short laugh. “That’s not the answer I was expecting after having Reiss... well, since it was only your second time...” She smirked and laughed again to herself for a moment.

“Oh my Watcher, you are such a bitch, do you know that?” Kiren flicked water at her.

Adette brushed the water off her sleeve and shrugged. “Yeah, but that’s part of being a vampire, I get to be bitchy and Sims just accept it.”

Pulling up her sleeve, Adette suddenly reached into the bath and pulled out the plug making Kiren cry out in protest.

“Hey, I wasn’t done yet.”

“You are now; Jasper has some work for us to do. I'm came to tell you to hurry and come down to the garage. So, time to get dressed sparkles.” Adette chided getting up from the edge of the bath, Kiren flicked more water at her as she went into their bedroom leaving her to get dry as well as wonder what Jasper had in store for them to do as ‘work’.


  1. Hmm I am liking this story...I wonder if those two will develop feelings for one another. Something tells me Jasper is a jerk and that Kiren needs to be away from him. Does Adette have feelings for Reiss? I can't wait to see how this story goes.

  2. Thanks KS, that means a lot, I did update the 'Who's Who's section if you wanted to look at the bio's :D This is a new style of writing for me, I don't normally do very dramatic, but I'm finding it interesting.

  3. Really great story. I love the dynamics of the house. I'm curious about who Reiss keeps calling, hopefully it's outside help. So Reiss and Adette are plotting to overthrow Jasper (YES!) But it seems like Sonia might have been caught scheming with them...sad. Again I get the feeling that Reiss cares more deeply for Kiren, at least I hope so. And he does seem really nice and playful to boot. It's great she might have an ally even if she doesn't realize it yet.

    1. Thanks DJ, Brym built the house and I had the best time building it :P yes I like Reiss too (yes I know I created him) I am not going to say anything... I have plans and ideas... NO SPOILERS :P

  4. I don't like Adette, I think she has something up her sleeve and I don't know how I feel about Reiss. I may have to read some more to figure out what is going on. I still think Jasper is a "collector".

    1. ROFL, Adette is my favourite at the moment, I'm having fun with her character :D Jasper... well as I wrote in the Bio's, he's an arse hole :P

  5. Jasper is evil and Reiss, well I'd like to think he has feelings for Kiren but we will see. Adette don't like at the moment but again we will see.

  6. Thanks all for your comments and support, I appreciate it especially with branching out in a new direction for my writing :D

  7. Adette is a sassy lady.... I bet she and Reiss have plans to get the collection free, then carry on their merry way.... I think that Adette and Kiren will be pretty good friends... I am also thinking that Reiss will want to bring Kiren along into his world.... A genie vampire would be something else... rather scary. very interesting :)


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